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In the News - Author Hetxw’ms Gyetxw (Brett D. Huson)

In the News - Author Hetxw’ms Gyetxw (Brett D. Huson)

Author Spotlight!

By Press Staff | Date: June 24, 2022

Hetxw'ms Gyetxw (Brett D. Huson) is from the Gitxsan Nation of the Northwest Interior of British Columbia, Canada. Growing up in this strong matrilineal society, Brett developed a passion for the culture, land, and politics of his people, and a desire to share their knowledge and stories. Author of the Mothers of Xsan series, Brett shares with readers the importance of environmental balance and a cultural knowledge that spans thousands of years.

Huson eloquently conveys the fragile interconnectedness of the natural world and the moral imperative to protect it.
—Publishers Weekly


Dedicated to connecting western science and Indigenous knowledge, Brett helped create a new interactive tool aimed at understanding and addressing climate change in Canada. Recently launched, the Climate Atlas of Canada is the culmination of years of teamwork at the University of Winnipeg's Prairie Climate Centre.

Read more about the atlas in the CBC News feature here>

Innovative atlas puts Indigenous knowledge on the map—literally—to help tackle climate crisis

Find the Mothers of Xsan series here>

The Sockeye Mother
The Grizzly Mother
The Eagle Mother
The Frog Mother
The Wolf Mother
The Raven Mother

Connect with Brett here>


